Tuesday 25 April 2017

This week we have begun an exciting carousel of activities in English and Maths.

In writing we are working on applying key skills such as:

  • spelling "Common Exception Words" correctly
  • including the 4 different types of sentence in our writing
  • punctuating our sentences correctly
  • using adjectives in expanded noun phrases e.g. beautiful, blue butterfly
  • using conjunctions such as "but, when, because, and"  to join two sentences
  • form all letters correctly with flicks ready for joining
In maths we are re-visiting key concepts such as:

  • partitioning numbers into 100s, 10s and 1s e.g. 378= 300 + 70 + 8
  • solving missing number problems e.g. 🔺 x 5 = 30
  • using drawings of "sticks and crosses" to help solve addition and subtraction problems
  • identifying and naming 2D and 3D shapes
  • using the = sign in different places in a calculation e.g. 35 = 20 + 15,    11 = 21 -10
We have new Guided Reading books and have started to have some wonderful discussions in our groups. 

On Friday, we will begin our new topic "The Great Outdoors"!

Tuesday 18 April 2017

w/c 17th April 2017

Welcome back and we hope you enjoyed your Easter break

This week is Science Week and to build on previous years work we are introducing the children to several fields of Science over the next few days - each with an investigation or experiment for them to complete.

Over the course of the week the children will be learning about:
Chemistry (removing dirt)
Botany (regrowing plants)
Nutrition (sugar content)
Geology (rocks)
Microbiology (bacteria)
Vulcanology (volcanoes)
Physics and Engineering (winches)

Why not see how much your child can tell you from their learning this week!!